"Over the last couple of days there has been quite a lot of discussion regarding my comments in the Oldham Chronicle. Whilst I would never, not for one moment, think that my thoughts and comments would be misconstrued by our Local rag, I would like to write precisely what I was getting at on our own message board. First and foremost I would like to repeat my thoughts about those fans that were not present at the game on Tuesday night. Those that stayed away because we have three home games in a row during a particularly expensive time of the year, we understand. I will go a step further and say that for those who are contemplating buying a Christmas present for a family member or loved one but cannot decide whether to do so or attend a match a Boundary Park, don't be ridiculous. Get your priorities right because there are plenty more games to attend. Those that are staying away but are doing so for reasons other than financial ones, well my comments were directed at you.
I am the first to admit the football has not been very good and in many instances not particularly enjoyable but that is football. If we choose to pay the bills and players only when the performance was acceptable, we would probably be a lot better off. We have known from the very start that this club in its present state/location and position in the league would be a losing proposition and we are prepared to accept that. However we always told ourselves that at least we have a set of supporters that would stick by us through the good and bad times. Whilst I can assure everyone that we are in this for the very long haul it would be heartbreaking to find out that we have misread the situation so dramatically. Although we are not looking for sympathy from a financial point I would like to explain why a match like Tuesdays hurt so much.
If we budgeted on a cold and wet Tuesday night against a team such as Walsall for a crowd of 5000, it means we missed our target by approx 1200 fans. After taking into account concessions etc. the average fan generates (allowing for food, programmes etc.) £11 profit for the club. If you take this figure and multiply it by 1200 it shows that we were down on our takings by £13,200. This money has to be found from somewhere and I think we all know where. Again, if fans did not come because they could not afford it, fine. But if it is to teach us, the manager and players a lesson well that is hurtful. Time and time again I have read comments like 'If I went to a restaurant and the food was no good I wouldn't pay so why should I pay to watch this rubbish,' but that is not comparing apples to apples and in any event I would respond by saying that if I ran a business that was always losing money I would close it down. But we all know there is an emotional and indeed irrational element to supporting or owning a club and to my mind an unspoken commitment made by both parties. We cannot do this on our own, there is a limited pot and one day if we don't have this club running on an even keel and that pot runs out there will be real problems.
While we are on the subject of money I would like to make some unknown views of the board known. We are firmly in the camp that believes fans are not getting value for money. Players are over paid (some, not all), Mars Bars are overpriced and the fans and owners are the ones who pay for this.
But what can we do? There is nothing we would like more than to drop season ticket prices next year to around £230-£250 and match day prices to £12 - 15 but it would come at a cost and we all know what that cost is. However if we feel that that is really what the majority of fans want then perhaps we have to listen. We tried to go for it this year (and I still believe that we will surprise a few of the moaners) but we always knew it was a gamble. I think fans (not just those from Oldham) have to decide whether they want better players and football and are prepared to gamble a few pounds to get it or do we go the other way. For those that will inevitably say find somewhere in the middle&well that is what every club tries to do but there is no guaranteed formula. I really hope that no-one feels there is any arrogance attached to my "rant", it is just nice to share my feelings sometimes and let people know my thoughts. Anyway for those that I did not see at the very impressive Trust Dinner or have a chance to speak to personally, have a really nice Christmas and hopefully by the new year we will be in the top part of the league."
All the best
Simon Corney
Born in England
Lived in America
Will probably die at Boundary Park unless we finish teams like Walsall off a lot earlier.
ps. For those of you who bring up the TV money, I make no apologies for being delighted at receiving a surprise windfall but we look at it as a bonus that will lessen significant losses and rest assured it will find its way back into the pot at some stage.